Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Podiatrist

What are the symptoms of heel bursitis?

I am a 32 year old female. I want to know what are the symptoms of heel bursitis?

16 Answers

pain, inflammation, swelling, hard to stand or walk on it, pain gettting up after resting, burning sensation.
You can have heel bursitis on the bottom of the heel or in the back. For the version on the bottom of the heel, pain is worse with increased activity. It is relieved with resting and anti-inflammatory medication. So, it doesn't hurt first thing in the morning when you get out of bed.

Bursitis in the back of the heel is worse with shoes that rub on the top of the heel. This is relieved by wearing shoes that don't rub. Anti-inflammatory medication also relieves the pain.
The symptoms will vary depending on the exactly location, severity, and duration of your bursitis, but usually patients will experience pain, swelling, sensitivity, and irritation with shoe gear, throbbing or burning at the site. Please consult a medical professional for proper management.
Heel bursitis can resemble many other disorders, I.e. heel spur syndrome, a heel fracture, arthritis, a partial or full tendon tear, or even Gout. It would be best to get it examined by a properly trained medical professional, like a Podiatrist. Good luck!!!
Retrocalcaneal bursitis or Haglunds deformity symptoms usually consist of tenderness to palpation, red hot swollen spot right at the attachment of the Achilles’ tendon and pain during full plantar flexing of the ankle
Hello, the symptoms include but are not limited to pain, when taking that first step in the morning, or after sitting for a long time and taking that first step. It can also lead to sharp pain after working out of standing for long periods of time
If you have pain to the bottom of the heel this is likely fasciitis versus a bursitis, inflammation surrounding the bony attachment of the plantar fascia ( a long ligament like structure that supports our arch). Bursitis in the back of the heel in comparison is common, often a tender area surrounding the Achilles’ tendon insertion ... a bursa can form in areas of irritation, increased pressures, abnormal forces. A clinical exam in person can tell us a lot of information as well as a detailed exam of how is started and what it feels like. I hope that gives some clarity !
Mild to moderate pain. With medication and wearing the proper shoes, anti-inflammatory will help and hydrocortisone injection will regress the inflammation.
Heel bursitis is usually seen in initial phases of weight bearing. When you wake up in the morning, you step down and that is when the pain seems the worse. It is similar pain to heel spurs and plants are faciitis, so initial X-rays are important in initial the evaluation. This condition responds well to anti-inflammatory treatments such as oral NSAIDS or cortisone injections or custom made orthotics. See your podiatrist as soon as possible.
Pain after rest. The entire heel can hurt or you can have a focal point of pain.
Pain and swelling on the back of bottom of the heel.

Heel bursitis manifests with pain to the plantar central aspect of the heel when walking or standing. If this describes your situation, then you should wear well-cushioned shoes at all times and not walk barefoot at home.
Firstly, pain can be worse when first out of bed or after rest. Secondly, a fullness under the heel, warm sensation in the heel. Discomfort when pressing deep into the heel.

Usually, this would be pain over the Achilles tendon insertion and pain with compression of the heel.
Most often, pain on the bottom of your heel, especially when first waking up or stepping down on your heel after resting it.

Dr. Kathleen Neuhoff, DPM