Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

What should I do to fix tennis elbow?

I have a tennis elbow. What should I do to fix tennis elbow?

7 Answers

DIY options include ibuprofen, tennis elbow splint, ice, and heat.
See physical therapist or orthopedic surgeon.
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We first try to treat the patient with a combination of stretching, anti-inflammatory medication, a tennis elbow strap that can be bought at any sporting goods store, and injections. If after a 3 to 6 month period of time that treatment fails there is surgery to fix the problem. And
Orthopedic Surgeon as well equipped to do this for you. Hope it helps!!
Symptoms/pain associated with tennis elbow typically resolves overtime even without intervention. Fortunately there are options to alleviate/minimize the symptoms such as stretching/strengthening exercises, counterforce elbow brace, oral and or topical anti-inflammatory could also help. Avoiding gripping lifting with the hand pronated will also reduce/minimize symptoms (Avoid activities where the hand is palm down).
Physio rebab exercise, eliminate overuse, anti-inflammatory meds(perhaps injection).For chronic symptoms a 5 percent chance of surgery.
The first step is to modify your activities to try and involve activities that involve rotating your wrist and bending your wrist with your elbow extended. You can use your hand with your elbow more bent. I would also recommend taking the recommended dose of Aleve twice a day and ice over the outside of your elbow. Even if your pain persists, I would recommend being evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon.
brace in that order