Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

When should I be concerned about rib pain?

I am a 40 year old male and I have rib pain. When should I be concerned about rib pain?

8 Answers

Rib pain isn't normal and it can be caused by many different things. You need to be evaluated to see what the cause is. A good Chiropractor will be able to determine the correct course of action.
Rib pain concern can be related to how long you have had the pain, how it started, is the pain referring anywhere else, is there any abdominal pain, do you have trouble breathing, is there any noticeable bruising, do certain motions cause more pain, and location of the pain. All the preceding questions are concerns. If anything sounds similar to something you are experiencing, see your doctor and get evaluated. Often, it can be as simple as getting an adjustment, but it is first most important to rule out anything more serious.
If it hurts to breathe, and it doesn’t improve on its own in a couple of days
You should be concerned about any type of pain that lingers. I would have it checked out just to make sure. It may just be a rib head out of place, which is an easy fix for a chiropractor.

Jeffery P. Jones, D.C.
Rib pain becomes a problem when it starts affecting your breathing or it radiates around to the front of your chest. You will have discomfort with inhale and exhale, which could mean rib subluxation and the need for chiropractic care.

Vishal K. Verma, DC CCSP
Hi there and thank you for your question!

Rib pain can be due to a couple of things. For example a muscle strain, fractured rib, rib slightly out of place due to mild trauma. Mild trauma includes picking up an object that your body wasn’t quite ready for, twisting your body while carrying something heavy, or even running into something stationary. I’d be concerned if breathing becomes painful.
Thank you again for your question. Enjoy your weekend.


Dr. Morales
Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong. Pain is a warning sign. You should always be concerned about pain.
If the pain affects your breathing, or if there was trauma to the rib cage, then I would be concerned. It's always a good idea to seek Chiropractic treatment if you have pain or dysfunction in the joints of the spine and muscles.