Gastroenterologist Questions hard stool

Why are my stools always so hard

I drink lots of water, I eat lots of vegetables and other high fiber foods, I’ve tried metamucil and nothing is working. My doctor keeps trying to write it off as my diet and exercise habits and give band-aid solutions. Could there be an underlying issue?

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 0/0/10
Medications: Birth controll
Conditions: N/A

1 Answer

Drinking water does not help you move your bowels. You can do tests to measure the motility of the colon and determine if it is slow. Another possibility is having a defecation disorder, though this would usually be found in someone much older than you. A good GI doctor can help do a diagnostic workup. Try to find a GI doctor who is capable of doing more than just a colonoscopy, which is not often helpful in the workup of constipation. Try over-the-counter Dulcolax and Miralax.
Otherwise, prescription laxatives may be needed.