Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions ent

Why do I produce so much ear wax every few months in the last few years?

I’ve been getting ear wax removed every few months (2-3) for the past two years. Why is this happening to me all the time now? I never used to have this problem. Why does my ear wax get blocked so much and is there any pill to take to lessen the amount of wax produced?

Male | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 2 Years
Medications: Topical acne medications, debrox
Conditions: Acne

3 Answers

Some people just produce more wax than others but it does not have any medical significance. It may be a problem now but that does not mean it will be a problem in the future.
Some patients have problems with ear wax accumulation if they have skin problems, such as eczema, in the ear canal. You can try over the counter ear wax drops (ex. Debrox) to help dissolve it. There is no pill to decrease ear wax.
Ear wax consistently and amount is genetic. Buildup can happen by using qtips or in ear pods/hearing buds.