Sleep Medicine Specialist | Sleep Medicine Questions Infectious Disease Specialist


I was corona positive two months ago and I had no symptoms at that time and was successfully recovered. In the last eight days I was unable to sleep properly so I had levocetirizine tab from that time I am feeling breathlessness.

Male | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 1

3 Answers

This seems to be more of a pulmonary issue that needs to be evaluated by your primary care doctor.
Chronic, long lasting symptoms are thought to be common in about 30% of patients who have been infected. Headache and chronic fatigue and symptoms of shortness of breath are very common...these symptoms may persist for weeks or months. Many patients even months later after COVID - 19 just do not feel right. Treatment is only symptomatic which your doctor would need to provide.
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If breathlessness is keeping you awake, that is surely not normal. There may be some cardiopulmonary injury or possibly nasal congestion or possibly anxiety. You need to be seen by your usual physician and evaluated. Sleep disorders do not cause breathlessness while awake.