OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Natural family planning

Does natural family planning (NFP) work?

I would like some opinions from OB/GYN or any physician that knows about NFP. My husband and I are considering NFP. Does natural family planning (NFP) work?

1 Answer

Difficult question to answer in this space of time but I will do my best. The only 2 types of birth control that are 100% protective are abstinence and if a woman has had a hysterectomy. Otherwise all types of birth control can fail. Statistically the most reliable forms of birth control are tubal sterilization either male or female which is almost 100% effective. Next most effective forms are hormonal type method such as birth control pills or hormone IUDs or subdermal implant (Nexplanon) for Depo-Provera. Barrier type methods also have a certain failure rate depending on what you read and could range any word have 5-10% failure rate. Natural family planning has a higher failure rate some reports state as high as 25/30% although in some couples it will be much lower. The success rate depends on the regularity of a woman cycles and what method she follows. Some women use temperature charts other use calendar methods while some use cervical mucus checks. Generally the egg can survive for at least 48 hr after ovulation and sperm can survive inside women's tubes for up to 3 days so that allows multiple days of overlap. Depending which route of natural family planning you follow and how faithful you are with that process will have a great impact on your success rate. So basically depends on what level of failure risk you are willing to take and dedicated you are to this type of birth control. Hope this helps. Would definitely do further research on the method which is available online if you are interested.
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