Cardiologist Questions Cardiogist


I am on eliquis, which my MD thinks is the safest blood thinner for AFib. I want to try acupuncture for neuropathy. Is it safe to do or must I go off eliquis for each session? That would mean for two days before. Thnx

Male | 77 years old
Medications: Eliquis
Conditions: Afib

2 Answers

Interesting question. My guess is that you would not have a problem with acupuncture while taking Eliquis. The needles are very fine and they should not be near any major blood vessels. If there were some bleeding, a little pressure for a few minutes should stop it. A lot of superficial surgeries are being done with patient’s just stopping Eliquis for one or 2 doses (not days) and then restarting if there is no bleeding problem.
I do not think acupuncture is invasive. If the person who does this procedure wants you to stop it then you can skip one dose on the previous day &am on the DOP. Then restart.