Dentist Questions Cavities

How can I prevent cavities in my child?

My son is 4 years old, and he's very enthusiastic about taking care of his teeth. I have him brush his teeth with me every morning before preschool and every night before bed. For children, what else can I be doing to prevent oral issues, like cavities?

7 Answers

You should be brushing his teeth after he does and limiting sweets, especially between meals. Juices and sweetened beverages should be avoided and only consumed with meals. Fresh fruits and vegetables are more suitable snacks. Make sure he visits the dentist every 6 months. Fluoride supplement vitamins are also recommended.
Floss, floss, Floss! Getting your child used to flossing is great. Make sure to not put him or her to bed at night with milk. Decreasing sugar consumption is very important.
After sugary foods, have your child rinse his mouth with plain water. This will help dilute any acids formed by sugary foods, the bacteria in the mouth and saliva. If your child likes sugary snacks, telling him he can't have it will result in a child sneaking candy. If you supervise what is eaten and have your child rinse out his mouth with water or brush his teeth afterwards if at home, your child will do it when he is not with you.
In addition you can floss his teeth, rinse with fluoride rinse if he can swish and spit. Additionally understand the role of nutrition in preventing cavities. Regular dental visits and professional cleaning and fluoride treatments also will help.
Fluoride Varnish with calcium and phosphate minerals applied at a Dental Office every 6 months can help to strengthen his teeth and make them more resistant to cavities. Also a small prescription of fluoride daily can also help him. Cavities form by bacteria breaking down food particles to acid. The acid leaches minerals out of the teeth making them softer and prone to bacteria infiltration and cavities. Minerals begin to leach out of teeth when the pH in the mouth drops to 5.5. Fluoride makes it have to drop to 4.5 which is around a 10 times more acid to cause the same effect. Cleaning his teeth with a Water Pik on low and a Sonicare toothbrush on low will also help.
Insuring that your child's teeth are brushed is obviously the most important step. Daily healthy, crunchy snacks can also help remove bacteria. Apple slices, carrots and celery help to naturally scrape harmful bacteria from teeth. An overall healthy diet and flouridated water with help insure proper growth.

Desserts should be reserved for after dinner and can be followed with proper dental hygiene before bed.

Mouthwash can be helpful, as long as it isn't swallowed.
Avoid sugary snacks and drinks. Get teeth cleaned by dentist every 6 months