“How do you know if your hips are misaligned?”
I am a 40 year old male. I wonder how can I know if your hips are misaligned?
8 Answers
Few options are available: Self monitor by looking in the mirror, seeing a chiropractor, having X-rays taken.
You can do a leg length test or examine your gait. Do you go up on one side and down on the other, or is it a smooth roll, etc.
Dr. Ehret
Dr. Ehret
I measure leg length on my patients to lead me to pelvis misalignments. Usually one leg will be shorter than the other which often indicates pelvis misalignment.
There are many different ways people may have an indication of a hip misalignment. Pain may be the first symptom. The pain could be in the back, hips or knees. You may also be able to visually see it in the mirror. You may walk with a little limp. Some notice one of their pant legs seem to be longer then the other. Those are some of the obvious ways to tell. You can always contact your local chiropractor and have an evaluation. They may even take x-rays. I hope that helped answer your question.