“How long does swimmer's ear last?”
My daughter picked up swimmer's ear from the pool, and we're treating it right now with antibiotic eardrops. How long would she need to have these ear drops for?
3 Answers
Get Rx for Acetosol ear drops from ENT. Put drops in ears after swimming. No q-tips. Keep chemical out of ears, i.e. soap, shampoo
Usually a week and be sure to blow dry her ear to make sure no water is left in the ear after swimming to help prevent this. You can also mix 1/2 rubbing alcohol and white vinegar and put 2-3 drops in the ears after swimming. The alcohol absorbs the water and the vinegar keeps fungus from getting in the ear.
Hi! Depending on the severity of the swimmer's ear infection, I generally treat anywhere from 7-14 days. If the infection is severe enough to where the ear canal is mostly occluded and won't allow ear drops to get in deeper, I place a small ear wick into the ear canal in the office to allow the drop to propagate in.