Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Is it ok to give cough drops to my 4 year old son?

My 4 year old son has a persistent cough. Is it ok to give cough drops to my 4 year old son?

3 Answers

No take him to pediatrician
I do not advise cough drops for young kids. Firstly it does not help. He can take something natural like zarbees which has no real medicine except honey, vitamins c and zinc in it
Lastly if he has prolonged persistent cough it needs to be checked out to find cause. Could be allergies or some reactive airway or sometimes gastric esophageal reflux.
As long as it is not a choking hazard. You are only treating the symptoms. Since cough is persistent you need to get him checked to see the cause, sinus infection , allergies asthma bronchitis, reflux etc.