Rheumatologist | Rheumatology Questions Rheumatologist

Joint pain?

A few years ago I started getting what seems like joint pain, since I have felt it in fingers, toes, knees and elbows. Sometimes it seems to happen In middle of arm or leg. My pcp ordered tests which one was an ANA screen that came back negative. I am now feeling more severe pain almost daily which happens when I am still and not using the joint. my question is, could an ANA be negative when symptoms are not prevelant and come back positive at another time? I also have recently been experiencing outer hip pain that I worse when getting up. My hands also turn very red at times. I also sometimes notice my face becomes very hot and red on upper cheeks and nose.

Female | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years
Medications: Amitriptlyne
Conditions: Migraine, lipomas, eczema

2 Answers

You may be spondylitis for which there are many treatment options.
There are many types of arthritis where ana is negative. Was a rheumatoid factor or copying, or sed rate or copying done? They are better tests.