Cardiologist Questions

pacemaker recovery perior in the elderly

My mom is 88 years old. She had a pacemaker implanted a week ago. She is weak, has some pain, and has a poor appetite. Her speech seems slightly slurred. The doctor says her recovery will just take time. Should I be worried about her?

Female | 88 years old
Complaint duration: 8 days

1 Answer

While its not uncommon for an elderly person to feel some discomfort and a bit weak after even a small surgical procedure, it depends in part on their condition prior to surgery. If you feel she is weaker than prior to surgery, and certainly if her speech is slurred but wasnt slurred at all prior to surgery, your worry about her may be well founded. You should consider taking her to the ER or her PCP for evaluation and if they concur with your concern then she may have had a perioperative stroke. Its a week later so she should be recovering by now. If not, she may need diagnostic imaging and assistance with rehabilitation.