“Every winter my son ends up with a nasty cold. Are there any preventive measures he can do?”
My son is 9 years old and every winter he ends up with a bad cold that keeps him out of school for a few days. He suffers a lot due to this. Are there any preventive measures to prevent common cold from happening?
5 Answers
Simple and easy prevention: each night at bedtime use a Cold-EZE lozenge. Zinc has been shown in a residential facility for adolescents to decrease colds and flus in the community over a winter season by 30%-50%.
William Pawluk, MD, MS
William Pawluk, MD, MS
Colds are common in children. I get good results by keeping them on 5,000 IU of vitamin D daily along with a good multivitamin daily, year round. Then at the first sign of a cold I have their parents give them 10,000 IU ov vitamin A 15 mg of zinc, and Silver Hydrosol nasal spray 4 times daily at the onset of symptoms. After the first day or 2, you can usually stop, as by then the cold has generally been averted.
The common cold is caused by over 200 viruses. Most are spread by the hands, like after shaking hands. The best way to stop the spread is by washing your hands often and not touching your face. This is hard to do with kids, which is why they get ill so often. Best way to minimize your child's risk of catching colds is to have them wash their hands before every meal and at bedtime.

Rashid A. Chotani
Preventative Medicine Specialist
1. Hand washing
2. Not touching your eyes
3. Coughing between the elbow
4. No smoking exposure
5. Using disposable items if family member is infected
6. Keeping sinks, faucets, other handles clean - keeping the house clean
7. Cleaning the toys
8. Using paper towels
9. Throwing away tissue after use
10. Healthy diet
11. Vitamin C Supplement
Hope this helps.
2. Not touching your eyes
3. Coughing between the elbow
4. No smoking exposure
5. Using disposable items if family member is infected
6. Keeping sinks, faucets, other handles clean - keeping the house clean
7. Cleaning the toys
8. Using paper towels
9. Throwing away tissue after use
10. Healthy diet
11. Vitamin C Supplement
Hope this helps.