Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Treating obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Hi, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder destructive from 15 years ago, my age is now 26 my weight 174 my height 66. I went to the doctor 4 years ago and I told him about my OCD but he gave me medicine for epilepsy. I don't have epilepsy, but unfortunately, I used it for 5 months so I wanted to get rid of it. I am afraid of people and I have depression and anxiety and tension and my sleep isn't good. I want a faverin dose 300 so can I use it with keppra 1000 and tegretol 800 daily.

Male | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 16 year
Medications: Keppra and tegretol
Conditions: Obsessive compulsive disorder & my sleep & depression

3 Answers

OCD is treated with behavior therapy and SSRIs such as fluvoamine or a tricyclic antidepressant, clomipramine. You are getting very strange treatment, look into sleep hygiene.
I would recommend that you find a good therapist - someone who you feel you can really trust who has experience in treating difficulties such as you are experiencing. In my experience, medications give only temporary relief.
Not knowing the detailed background history, I am not able to comment on why your doctor gave you both keppra and tegretol. However, if you have the diagnosis of OCD, Faverin is a good choice to treat OCD. The dose range of Faverin for OCD is from 150 mg to 300 mg daily.
Hope this may help you to make a decision and talk to your doctor openly about exploring the options.