Pediatrics Questions Learning Disorder

What are the most common cognitive issues in children?

My 4-year-old son has some sort of learning disorder. He's not learning as quickly as the other kids, and he has some difficulty speaking. I am taking him to see a doctor. What are the most common cognitive issues?

2 Answers


In children, inattention or hyperactivity (ADHD) is the most common but I think a 4 year old is still to young to investigate into something like this. All children are different, and especially at 4 years, I think it is too early to tell if there is a problem. I would just observe him for now. Thank you.


Hariram Ganesh
They would need to make sure hearing and vision are normal. Hearing problems especially with recurrent ear infections early on can cause poor speech and learning problems. Does he have trouble sitting still and focusing? Has his IQ been tested? Any history of other family members with learning problems? Some children learn at a slower pace and need extra speech and early intervention to get on target.