Orthopedist Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

What are the different types of back surgery?

I am a 16 year old male who has a back injury from football. What are the different types of back surgery?

4 Answers

There are many but are RARE in 16 year olds. Most back injuries in 16 year olds heal with time
In the world of back surgery, there are generally 3 types. First is a simple surgery where disc material or bone is removed. The second type is where a bone fusion is performed, but no hardware (screws, plates, rods) are placed. The last and most common is called an Instrumented fusion. Here, 2 bones are "fused" (caused to grow together) by putting plates and screws into the spinal bones.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
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There are many type of back surgeries and back treatments. If you think you need something done, it’s most important that you see a doctor in person to determine the best treatment for you. Usually for someone as young as you, treatment is not surgery.
There are quite a few types. Unfortunately, none are a cure for lower back conditions, merely treatments. If you had a traumatic injury, then it is important to rest and let your body recover. But then, doing active PT is important, as are appropriate exercises at home. I think you should not play football again until your back feels great and you can do 10 burpees without pain, as well as plank for 30 seconds and carry 40 pounds easily.

David T. Neuman, MD