Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

What are the symptoms of a torn ligament in the shoulder?

I am a 31 year old female. I want to know what are the symptoms of a torn ligament in the shoulder?

4 Answers

It is very rare to tear a ligament in the shoulder so most likely you are referring to a torn tendon in the shoulder. Symptoms of a torn tendon would depend on which tendon you tore but generally they would be decreased range of motion with pain and weakness for the motion that this particular tendon is responsible for.
Torn ligaments in the shoulder are very Uncommon unless you dislocated shoulder. If you were gymnast, swimmer,over shoulder athlete( thrower, volleyball) ligament looseness is more likely. Most common problem in your age group is impingement(bursitis, tendonitis). For all of these pain with elevation and rotation occur. May have clicking (noise), catching sensation and weakness or fatigue. Night pain common with incomplete or complete rotator cuff tears. Treat by eliminating activities irritating shoulder, get on good therapy program for neck, scapula and shoulder. If no improvement over 6 weeks should be evaluated by Orthopedic surgeon. Hope this helps a little hard to answer in limited space. Good luck.
Pain, stiffness, clicking, sometimes reaching up and out (away from the body). Torn ligaments mean there was a traumatic event, usually, unless you are repetitively working out in a way that is stressing out the shoulder too much.

David T. Neuman, MD
Instability of the shoulder with possible dislocation or subluxation. You also may have weakness