“What causes elbow pain?”
Lately I have been experiencing a very sharp pain in my elbow. What could be causing this, and what can be done to relieve this pain?
6 Answers
There are many things that cause elbow pain. You would need to be evaluated by an Orthopedic surgeon. The most common cause is tennis elbow.
If there’s any specific injury prior to the onset of your symptoms, then it should be checked with a X-ray by an Orthopedic surgeon. Many times, without any significant injury, people get overuse elbow pain- like Tennis elbow or Golfers elbow, it needs proper rest, icing, no heavy lifting and if it doesn’t get better, see Orthopedic surgeon for proper evaluation
Multitude of causes. One of the most common I see is tennis elbow. You should see an orthopedic surgeon.
Without trauma or a previous injury, the most common cause of sharp pain either on the outside or inside of the elbow is epicondylitis (tennis elbow on outside or golfers elbow on the inside of the elbow). It is a combination of micro-tearing and inflammation. It is almost always relieved by conservative treatment. This would include cortisone injection, Medrol dose pack followed by one month of anti-inflammatory medication (mobic), occupational therapy exercises, and phonophoresis and possible bracing.
The most common cause of elbow pain is tendinitis - Aka - tennis elbow - it can occur both in the outside and inside of the elbow. If this is the diagnosis treatment centers around decreasing the inflammation - ice, NSAIDs, rest, ultrasound treatments, stretching, massage, brace or strap, and ultimately cortisone injections if no relief. Surgery is occasionally necessary if a person is not improving after 9-12 months or if they have had 3 injections with no further relief of pain. Please see a physician for further diagnosis and treatment options.