Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Why does my 3 month old chew on his hands?

My 3 month old keeps trying to chew his hands and I don't know why. What could be the cause?

3 Answers

A 3-month-old infant who is developing normally will chew on his hands because it is a normal developmental process. It is not because of teething, tooth pain, mouth pain, or any other medical condition. It is normal. He enjoys exploring the new world around him using two of his 5 senses, taste and touch.  
Enjoy the moments.

Dr. K

Infants soothe themselves by sucking on things, including their hands and fingers. As teething begins, chewing relieves some of the discomfort. It is completely normal and should not be discouraged.

Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP
Casper Children's Center, LLC

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He could be teething. Also, putting things in the mouth is a way to explore things and a way babies learn.