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Home Remedies for Rosacea

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects 0.5% to 10% of the population. It develops during teenage years or someone’s 20s and then can become worse into the 30s or 40s. The cause is still not entirely understood, though there are many contributing factors. Meanwhile, the belief in modern medicine is that there’s no real cure for rosacea and once affected by this condition, someone is likely to experience flare-ups on and off for the rest of his or her life. Here are some home remedies for rosacea.

1. Green Tea

Make a cup of green tea, and then place it in your refrigerator for 30 minutes. Soak a cloth in the chilled tea, and then apply the cloth to affected areas. Green tea has potent anti-inflammatory properties, which helps reduce redness and inflammation.

2. Chamomile Compress

Chamomile is a great remedy for rosacea due to its anti-inflammatory property that helps reduce inflammation and redness. Moreover, its active ingredients like terpenoids and flavonoids have a soothing effect on skin.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the best natural moisturizers for treating rosacea. Aloe vera is composed primarily of water, which means that it is one of the most hydrating compounds you can put on your skin. It’s also high in natural antioxidants, which can reduce skin damage and tone down dermal inflammation. The best way to get your hands on pure aloe vera is simply to grow it in or around your house. It’s amazingly easy to look after, and you can simply cut off a stalk when you need to and the plant will continue to grow.

4. Oatmeal

Grind a handful of oats in your blender or food processor. Take 1/2 cup of ground oats and mix with 1/4 cup of water to create a paste. Apply to affected areas, wait 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water and pat dry. Oatmeal is great at nourishing and calming skin.

5. Licorice

According to a 2005, licorice helps reduce redness, which is the most common symptom of rosacea. Licorice extract has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that help promote healthy skin cells. Plus, it reduces skin irritation.

6. Tea tree oil

Tea tree essential oil is a powerful natural remedy and can be used to treat your rosacea. Keep in mind, however, that tea tree can dry out the skin further if it’s used too often, so only use tea tree when you really need to. Tea tree oil can reduce skin inflammation and provide the added bonus of being a strong anti-microbial agent. So, if you’re also suffering from an infection or fungal problem, it can help with this as well.

7. Coconut Oil

Some of the best forms of fat for the body can be found in alternative oils to those found in common processed foods. The inflammatory symptoms of rosacea may affect the face, but they are believed to be triggered by inflammatory elements in your diet. Healthy fats like those found in coconut oil can reduce inflammation in the gut and also lower your intake of processed foods.

8. Essential Oils

Make an essential oil treatment for rosacea using Lavender and Melaleuca essential oils, which possess anti-inflammatory and healing properties. In a small roller bottle, add 1 Tablespoon of your carrier oil of choice with 2 drops of either Lavender or Melaleuca essential oil, OR add one drop of each oil. Shake the roller bottle to mix, and then apply to affected areas before bed.

9. Salmon

Similar to coconut oil, the high omega-3 content of oily fish like salmon and mackerel can be a wonderful and delicious way to reduce your symptoms of rosacea. Some types of protein are more likely to cause inflammatory reactions in the body, but lean and healthy proteins like fish can provide all the protein you need without stimulating the redness in your cheeks.

10. Honey

Honey is perfect for rosacea because it’s an excellent humectant, meaning it helps your skin retain moisture. Massage a bit of honey on affected areas, let it sit for about 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Rosacea! Most people are unaware of its very existence. But if you have ever woken up to see an outbreak of acne on your forehead, chin, or even cheeks, you had a close encounter with Rosacea. Whatever the reason, here are the best home remedies for rosacea that can remove the scars before that special occasion knocks on the door.