
How many people are still on ventilators?

I am a 45 year old female. I want to know how many people are still on ventilators? Learn more from our experts.


What are the best herbal medicine herbs?

I am a 21 year old female. I want to know what are the best herbal medicine herbs? Learn more from our experts.


Is there a natural way to get rid of kidney stones?

My mom is naturally prone to kidney stones. They are rather small but is there any way she can prevent them from happening anymore?


Can cough syrups be an addiction?

My husband drinks cough syrup every night before sleeping, even when he doesn't have a cough. He says that it helps him sleep, because it's PM.


What could be the cause of my insomnia?

I'm 25 years old and I have insomnia for several months. What could be the cause of my insomnia? Should I see a doctor? Learn more from our experts.


Do I have hiv?

So the end of 2020 I went through this small stage of having encounters with other guys. Which is not like me! However I wanted to get over my breakup. I had sex unprotected. Then months later around march the following year it happened again with someone else. Then it happened again. That time I had a condom! However the condom broke and we stopped immediately. The rest of the next few hook ups were just oral. But I asked each Individual their status and they all said they were negative. Am I still at risk? Early last year I experienced diarrhea, muscle aches. Then my feet and hands started peeling badly! Although those situations resolved I still wonder! I don’t know if the diarrhea came from all those sleep aids I was taking to cope! Around that time my skin was peeling, my tub needed to be fixed! The water wouldn’t drain as I showered. I’ve been celibate for over a year now! Which I plan to keep that way (until I know my status) My only problem today is headaches and recurring pain on my tongue! That hurts especially when I’m talking.


Acne due to Vitamin B12

I took microcytic hypochromic anaemia treatment for 2 months (HB was 7. 8) and got sudden acne flare up all over my face and neck and also gained 6 kg weight. I read that that...


Why can't I pronounce words with "l"?

I am a 32 year old male and I have trouble pronouncing words with an "l" in them. Learn more from our experts.


Is there any homeopathic medicines to build immunity?

My immunity level is very poor and it's really worrying me. Are there any homeopathic medicines to build my immunity levels? Read this article to learn more.


Does birth order affect the likelihood of having speech issues?

I am a 39 year old female. I was wondering does birth order affect the likelihood of having speech issues? Learn more from our experts.