

I have been having sweating, chills, sore throat, pink eye and temp 99. 1. I have cough off thick mucus with blood in it


What is the treatment for the ringing sound in my ears?

There's like this weird sound in my ears, like the ringing of a bell. Is there treatment for this? Is it real or all in my head? Read this article to learn more.


Can sciatica be cured?

I was diagnosed with sciatica. Learn more from our experts.


What treatments are available for speech stuttering?

I have speech stuttering. Learn more from our experts.


I have severe pain in my joints when I stand. Could it be arthritis?

I have been suffering from severe joint pain. I usually experience this pain when I stand on my feet for way too long. Could this be arthritis?


How does nuclear medicine react to viruses?

I am a 48 year old female. I want to know how does nuclear medicine react to viruses? Learn more from our experts.


Why is domestic violence increasing during the quarantines?

I am a 40 year old male. I want to know why is domestic violence increasing during the quarantines? Learn more from our experts.


What is the strongest drug for nerve pain?

I have bad leg nerve pain. Learn more from our experts.


What are the best foods with high water content to fight dehydration?

With the sudden change in weather, my daughter gets dehydrated very fast. Once, she even fainted in school and when she was brought to the hospital, the doctor had given her glucose. She drinks 3 bottles of water per day. Do you have any foods to recommend for her that have a high water content?


Would you recommend homeopathic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis?

Would you recommend homeopathic medication for early stage rheumatoid arthritis? What exactly would you recommend? Keep on reading to learn more.