
if I am anemic will i Have to have a series of blood transfusions?

If I am anemic, will i have to have a series of blood trans fusions?


Are there early signs and symptoms of periodontal problems?

I recently had a teeth cleaning, and the dentist also recommended that I should take care of my gums to prevent any diseases. What are the best ways to take care of my gum?


Are there any natural ways to strengthen my liver?

Are there any natural treatments that can strengthen my liver?


How can I get rid of swimmer's ear at home?

I got swimmer's ear from a public pool, and it's just really painful. Are there any home remedies that can help? Learn more from our experts.


Is hospitalization required to treat alcohol addiction?

My husband plans to start treatment soon for his alcohol addiction. What are the dangers of withdrawal? How often does it result in hospitalization?


What should I expect at first visit to a rheumatologist?

I am a 39 year old male. I want to know what should I expect at the first visit to a rheumatologist? Learn more from our experts.


How accurate is a Rapid Hiv Antibody test after 10 weeks and 5 days?

How accurate is a Rapid Hiv Antibody test after 10 weeks and 5 days?


Vitamin supplements

Is it safe for me as a 14 year old boy, to take a nutrient supplement called Athletic Greens?



Hello doctor. I am recently today sexually contact with prostitute, without using condom. Now sir, I am worried, what should i do. Should i test for HIV or use any tablets,...


Cancer Anxiety

Hi Doctor i hope your doing well. I had a question I wanted to ask you as an oncologist. I am a 28 year old healthy male with no underlying conditions that is constantly fearing...