
Do eye exercises work for astigmatism?

I have astigmatism and want to treat it. Learn more from our experts.


What is a typical work day for a social worker?

I am a 19 year old student in community college who wants to become a social worker. Learn more from our experts on the field of social work.


Is palliative care available to someone with dementia?

My 84-year-old mother has dementia and I want her to have palliative care. Learn more from our experts on palliative care.


Are men and women are at equal risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome?

I am a 57 year old female. I want to know are men and women are at equal risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome? Learn more from our experts.


How aggressive is Ewing sarcoma?

I heard Ewing sarcoma was a rare form of cancer. Is Ewing sarcoma an aggressive cancer? See how our experts answer this patient's question.


How to prevent bee sting allergy?

My 12 year old daughter has an allergy to bee stings and we live in a warm climate. Learn more from our experts on bee stings.


Can a plant-based diet help you lose weight?

I am a 27 year old female. I am overweight and want to try a plant-based diet. Learn more from our experts.


How do you detect sleep apnea in a 7 year old?

My 7 year old son snores very loudly at night and I think he has sleep apnea. Learn more from our experts.


Can cancer cause short-term memory loss?

My father is suffering from prostate cancer and his treatment has started. He is actually coping pretty well, but however he's become slow in processing information


Are there any medications available to prevent the flu?

My uncle just came down with the flu, and I'm scared because I literally saw him before he got really sick. Are there any medications that I can take that prevent the flu? Learn more from our experts.