
Can a social worker help a child with a disability?

My son has muscular dystrophy. Do you think a social worker can help him? Learn more from our experts.


Is radiation therapy painful?

My mother is getting radiation therapy for the remaining cancer cells underneath her armpit. Is radiation therapy painful? See how our experts answer.


My mother is on over 5 medicines a day. Could this be slowing down her system?

My mother has varied health issues and is currently on about 5 medicines a day. She has several concerns including sleeping during the day, lack of sleep at night


What are the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

I'm 52 years old and I have joint pains all over my body already 2 months. I am afraid of having arthritis. What are the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis? Learn more.


Can cancer cause depression symptoms?

My mother is 48 years old and has been diagnosed with cancer. We have started her treatment for the disease. However, she feels very depressed. Keep reading to learn more.


Why do I keep coughing with my AC on in my room?

I keep getting this cough whenever the AC is on near me, whether it's in my office and in my bedroom. The cough is pretty dry, and nothing comes up (no phlegm).


Is yoga a good way to get rid of an addiction?

My brother is addicted to alcohol, and before we start out any treatment for him I want to get him to do yoga. Will it help in any way? Read on to learn more.


How long is physical therapy for a child?

My daughter injured her ankle and needs physical therapy. How long will this take? Learn more from our experts.


What exercises can you do for pediatric rheumatic disease?

I am a 43 year old female. I want to know what exercises can you do for pediatric rheumatic disease? Learn more from our experts.


What are treatment options for a child with anemia?

My 14-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with anemia. What are treatment options for a child with anemia? Learn more from our experts on treating a child with anemia.