Celebrity Health

Shannen Doherty Discusses Her Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Shannen shares the real and raw emotion that came with her breast cancer journey

Throughout her journey with breast cancer, Doherty has been open about the physical and emotional impact of her cancer treatment. “I think what’s beautiful and hard and interesting about cancer is that it tears you down, and builds you, and tears you down, and builds you, and it remakes you so many different times,” she said. She reveals that the person she thought she was supposed to be, the person she thought she was going to be, or the person she thought she was in the previous months were nothing compared to the person that she is at the moment – someone completely different. Someone who doesn’t look past today and who wants to believe that if she fights, she is going to be okay. “And I realized, wow, I thought I was so brave and so gracious this entire time, but really, I was just hiding,” she added. 

Photo: Instagram