Jennifer Lopez: The Tracy Anderson Method

48-year-old singer and actress Jennifer Lopez appears more youthful and fit than many people half her age. The former dancer makes working out a priority, and it shows: her chiseled abs and incredibly fit physique have to be seen to be believed. Lopez works out using the Tracy Anderson method five times a week and does circuit training that includes boxing, pushups, and planks.

Lopez is committed to living a healthy lifestyle. She even launched her own wellness brand, BodyLab, which produces protein shakes and supplements. She avoids alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee, all of which can cause signs of early aging and wreak havoc on your skin. She stays healthy by drinking lots of water, eating plenty of fruits and veggies, and getting plenty of sleep. She reportedly sleeps up to ten hours a night, and that extra beauty sleep appears to be paying off.

Lopez emphasizes the importance of taking care of your skin. She uses moisturizers that contain SPF to hydrate and protect her skin. She recommends always removing your makeup before going to bed. She also uses anti-aging creams and glycolic acid to maintain her skin’s iconic glow.

Photo source: 139579_2074 by Disney | ABC Television Group