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Dr. Talal M. Nsouli, M.D

Allergist and Immunologist

Dr. Talal Nsouli practices Allergy and Immunology care in Burke, VA. Dr. Nsouli specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma and other allergic diseases. Allergist-Immunologists are trained and certified to treat each patients sensitivity and response to allergens of varying severity. Dr. Nsouli provides several means of testing and treatment to increase immunity to potentially harmful substances.
35 years Experience
Dr. Talal Nsouli, M.D
  • Burke, VA
  • Georgetown university hospital
  • Accepting new patients

Can I take allergy medications for a dust allergy?

Yes sure, Allegra or Claritin also ALLERGY injections are very effective. Call your local Allergist immunologist . Dr TALAL NSOULI, allergy/immunology, Professor & Director of READ MORE
Yes sure, Allegra or Claritin also ALLERGY injections are very effective. Call your local Allergist immunologist . Dr TALAL NSOULI, allergy/immunology, Professor & Director of the watergate and McLean allergy and asthma centers

Lactose intolerant

most likely lactose intolerance, but you can have an allergy testing to milk through skin testing by an ALLERGIST near you

Should I go get seen if I got semen up my nose

Good to see an allergist
Use nasal saline if not see an ENT

Can allergy testing be done at home?

No, it has to be done in an allergist-immunologist office for best results.

Can an adult or child be allergic to the flu shot?

Yes, it is possible but very rare, so visit your local allergist to confirm a real allergic reaction.

Why am I itching?

This could be exercise-induced urticaria. You should see a local allergist immunologist.

What causes face swelling?

Yes see your doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications

How effective are immune booster supplements?

The only agents that help are vitamin C, vitamin D3, and zinc.

How can I find out if I am allergic to any medicines?

If you have never reacted to a medication, you are not allergic.

My throat feels scratchy. Is it an allergic reaction?

It could be you need to see an allergist. Sometimes acid reflex can cause that symptom.

Is there more than one type of allergy test?

The allergy skin testing and the IgE food testing are the best when done by an allergist.

What is procedure to know other allergies in the body?

The allergy skin test for foods and inhalants

Is there any permanent cure for allergic rhinitis?

YES, ALLERGY injections could results in long term cure (for 12 to 18 years)

Can dog hair cause allergy for my toddler?

Yes, your son could be allergic to the dog. Yes, you can have your son tested for dog allergy. Check with an ALLERGIST IMMUNOLOGIST to have him tested. Talal Nsouli, MD, FAAAAI READ MORE
Yes, your son could be allergic to the dog. Yes, you can have your son tested for dog allergy. Check with an ALLERGIST IMMUNOLOGIST to have him tested.

Talal Nsouli, MD, FAAAAI

Is antibiotic required to treat seasonal cough and cold?

Yes and no. Allergies can promote respiratory tract infection. We published a paper in the past showing that hayfever can increase the frequency of sinus infection that might require READ MORE
Yes and no. Allergies can promote respiratory tract infection. We published a paper in the past showing that hayfever can increase the frequency of sinus infection that might require antibiotic treatment. For further information, check with your local Allergist-Immunologist.

Talal M. Nsouli, M.D., FACIP, FACAAI, FAAAAI