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Dr. Jorge Vazquez, M.D.

General Practitioner

Dr. Jorge Vazquez is a general practitioner practicing in Woodbridge, VA. Dr. Vazquez does not specialize in one area of medicine, however provides routine health care services. General practitioners typically have regular, even life-long patients who they provide health care services to. Dr. Vazquez provides services including physical exams, immunizations, and diagnosing and treating multiple illnesses and injuries. General practitioners typically work in private offices and clinics and have staffs of nurses and administators.
Dr. Jorge Vazquez, M.D.
  • Woodbridge, VA
  • Accepting new patients


My recommendation is yes, until your boyfriend do not present symptoms.

From Omeprazol to Pepcid?

Before change medication find evaluation by her physician to make sure star use the correct medication. Never change medication without evaluation to prevent any side effect.

What is causing my arm pain?

Visit asap your primary physician for evaluation, possible muscle injury.

Liver pain after overdose

My recommendation visit asap the ER for evaluation and possible treatments. Please try to go with some one or call 911.

Amoxicillin rash?

Possible some allergy, recommend visit your primary provider for evaluation.


My personal recommendations is do not used, but at present time I do not see any restrictions when you use moderate alcohol. It you have upset stomach do not use.

WBC 13.1 and NEUT 9.3

Possible sing of infection or inflammation.

Morning nausea?

Acid Reflux

Can you take ashwagandhaat 5.00 pm and zopiclone later?

Zoplicone was discontinued in USA in 2019, ashwandhaat is natural, but had too many side effects. My medical opinion no to use.