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Dr. Peter Redko, DPM, FACFAS

Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)

Dr. Peter Redko is a board certified foot and ankle surgeon and has been with North Bay Foot & Ankle center since 2004. Prior to relocating to Petaluma, Dr. Redko was the chief of foot and ankle surgery at Beverly Hills Surgical Institute in Los Angeles. He currently has offices in Petaluma and Sonoma and is on staff at Palm Drive, Petaluma Valley. Novato Community, and Sonoma Valley Hospitals.
Dr. Peter Redko, DPM, FACFAS
Specializes in:
  • Podiatrist
  • Petaluma, CA
  • Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Accepting new patients

How long does it take to recover from toenail removal?

If it’s just removal of the nail, regular activity can be resumed in a few days. The nail will take 6-9 months to fully regrow

Can a podiatrist treat foot fungus?

Absolutely, and they are usually well versed on the most recent treatment options

How long does it take for a sprained foot and ankle to heal?

Depending on how severe of a sprain you sustained, it can take 2-6 months.

Will an x-ray show a torn ligament in an ankle?

Maybe, depending on which ligament and how severely. This needs to be evaluated by your doc

How do you relieve toe pain?

There are many reasons for toe pain from ingrown nails to pinched nerves. This needs to be evaluated properly

Will walking on a broken toe make it worse?

Depending on how badly it is broken, it can cause it not to heal properly and require surgery

What will a podiatrist do for ankle pain?

First it has to be evaluated to determine the reason for the pain then a treatment plan initiated. Bracing, taping, physical therapy, orthotics, injections, pain medications are READ MORE
First it has to be evaluated to determine the reason for the pain then a treatment plan initiated. Bracing, taping, physical therapy, orthotics, injections, pain medications are all possible treatments

Can too much walking cause swollen ankles?

If the cause of the swelling is due to an arthritis condition, then yes. Most likely it’s a venous I sufficiency problem, which needs compression therapy.

Can you walk after foot surgery?

Usually yes, unless it will make the operated area unstable or pre-maturely stress the repair

What is the most effective treatment for toenail fungus?

I’ve found that a multi pronged approach works best treating the nail, skin, and shoes where fungus is found. I have had excellent results with Tolcylen products by Marlinz Pharmaceutical READ MORE
I’ve found that a multi pronged approach works best treating the nail, skin, and shoes where fungus is found. I have had excellent results with Tolcylen products by Marlinz Pharmaceutical

What causes a toenail to separate from the nail bed?

Usually trauma or fungus will cause separation of the nail plate from the nail bed

Should I see a podiatrist or chiropractor?

Hello, since podiatrists are foot and ankle specialists it would make sense to see a podiatrist.

What is the strongest treatment for athlete's foot?

Currently Tolcylen anti-fungal ointment, cream, spray have the strongest combination of ingredients to treat fungal skin and nail infections.

How do you treat an ankle injury sustained while underwater?

You'd treat it like any other ankle sprain, as long as there are no cuts to the skin, and if so you may need antibiotics. Otherwise stability wraps or braces, supportive shoes, READ MORE
You'd treat it like any other ankle sprain, as long as there are no cuts to the skin, and if so you may need antibiotics. Otherwise stability wraps or braces, supportive shoes, ice, anti-inflammatories. If worsening or no improvement see your doc

How do you get rid of white toenail fungus?

Topical anti-fungals and anti-fungal shoe spray. I recommend the Tolcylen brand of products

Should I go to the doctor for a dislocated ankle?

Yes, neglected joint dislocations can results in severe long term complications. Go see your doctor now

Can a dislocated ankle fix itself?

It would be best to consult your doctor as joint disclocations need to be treated appropriately to heal well

When can I put weight on my foot after bunion surgery?

Most of the time you can walk after your bunion procedures, but there are certain fusion type procedures that may need you to remain of your foot for a period of time. This question READ MORE
Most of the time you can walk after your bunion procedures, but there are certain fusion type procedures that may need you to remain of your foot for a period of time. This question should be asked of your surgeon.

Thick toenails that grow out extremely slowly?

I sounds like you've developed toe nail fungus and this is one reason why they are growing slowly. See you podiatrist for treatment options.

How can you tell the difference between a fracture and a dislocation?

A fracture is a break in the bone. A dislocation is when the joint is made unstable and separates.