expert type icon EXPERT

Jeff Rippey


I run a solo clinic in Saint Joseph, MO. My main focus is distal acupuncture, which means I'm not very likely to treat exactly where the patient is indicating there's an issue. I see a lot of people for pain management and a good portion of my patient population are looking for help with depression, anxiety, or stress. I love talking about Chinese medicine and acupuncture, even with folks who don't necessarily believe in its effectiveness.
8 years Experience
Jeff Rippey
Specializes in:
  • Acupuncturist
  • Saint Joseph, MO
  • Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Why It's Hard To Tell Patients Where Needles Might Be Placed

I've been answering questions on this site for a couple of years now. There's been a recent trend towards acupressure questions which I addressed in my first blog post.   Generally,...

Why It's Difficult to Answer Acupressure/Pressure Point Questions

As part of this site, patients have the capability of asking questions of practitioners and subject matter experts. Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of questions that take the...