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Cze H. Low


Dr. Cze Low is an ophthalmologist practicing in Singapore, . Dr. Low specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Low can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Low can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
Cze H. Low
  • National University of Singapore
  • Accepting new patients

What is the safe age for wearing sunglasses?

Wearing sunglasses protects from sun, wind and dust. It blocks ultraviolet and other harmful lights from the lens and retina. Anyone can use them.

My son is 3 years old and has developed cataract. What should I do?

His vision is affected and can lead to amblyopia, if not treated. See your eye doctor for evaluation. My impression is that removal of the cataract is needed sooner or later. A READ MORE
His vision is affected and can lead to amblyopia, if not treated. See your eye doctor for evaluation. My impression is that removal of the cataract is needed sooner or later. A lens implant is needed. Future management as he grows will result in changing refraction and spectacles to ensure vision is corrected till his eyes stabilise as a teenager.

Is there a way to treat cataract without surgery?

No treatment is an option if vision is still good for his needs. When vision is bad, removal of the cataract in a 15 to 20 minute operation is needed. Modern surgery is usually READ MORE
No treatment is an option if vision is still good for his needs. When vision is bad, removal of the cataract in a 15 to 20 minute operation is needed. Modern surgery is usually very safe in my experience.

Is there an age restriction for a refractive surgery?

Lasik is only for patients aged 18 and over, and best before aged 40 years

Can diabetes cause reading difficulties?

Yes, many reasons including high sugars in the blood, cataract formation and retinal swelling. Very important for her to take her medications, see her physician regularly and see READ MORE
Yes, many reasons including high sugars in the blood, cataract formation and retinal swelling. Very important for her to take her medications, see her physician regularly and see an ophthalmologist for eye examination once a year

My eyes feel very dry after LASIK. What could be the cause for this?

Lasik is associated with dry eyes due to corneal nerves transaction and usually recovers after several months when the nerves regrow. Interim treatment with frequent use of artificial READ MORE
Lasik is associated with dry eyes due to corneal nerves transaction and usually recovers after several months when the nerves regrow.
Interim treatment with frequent use of artificial eye drops as lubricant and punctual plugs will help

Why are my eyes blood red when I wake up?

Computer usage causes dry eyes and eye strain which takes its toil over time. The eyes become bloodshot as a reaction to the daily stress. Treatment by using eye lubricants and READ MORE
Computer usage causes dry eyes and eye strain which takes its toil over time. The eyes become bloodshot as a reaction to the daily stress. Treatment by using eye lubricants and reducing computer and mobiles usage.

What is the reason for double vision following an accident?

He could have internal injuries to his nerves controlling eye movements. He should she a neurologist or ophthalmologist for an examination.

Anything to watch out for when using glaucoma eye drops?

Apply the drop carefully so as not to spill into your skin as it could cause pigmentation or blackish eyelids. So dab with a tissue any excess fluid that overflows from the eye READ MORE
Apply the drop carefully so as not to spill into your skin as it could cause pigmentation or blackish eyelids. So dab with a tissue any excess fluid that overflows from the eye

Can eyesight ever get better on its own?

Your eyesight is determined by genetics and environmental factors . Assuming you are myopic. In general it gets worse with growth and close viewing . This stimulates more myopic READ MORE
Your eyesight is determined by genetics and environmental factors . Assuming you are myopic. In general it gets worse with growth and close viewing . This stimulates more myopic shift in your eye powers. Hence it gets worse as you observed. Further as you age, your lens will harden and cause myopic shift too or occasionally causes a reduction in your eye power and hence an improvement. Regular checks will determine what is happening to your eyes.

Why are my eyes so sensitive to light?

Your eyes require a good tear film to be comfortable. Outside environmental factors will cause dryness and irritation and even allergy to dust , pollen or glare from sunlight . READ MORE
Your eyes require a good tear film to be comfortable. Outside environmental factors will cause dryness and irritation and even allergy to dust , pollen or glare from sunlight . Hence your eyes try to protect themselves from those external factors by closing. Lubricants and sunglasses can help.

Why are my eyes sore after contacts?

Contact lenses deprived the eyes of oxygen, the longer you wear the worst the eye feels. Shorten wear times. Allergy to contact lens plastics , or soaking or cleaning solutions READ MORE
Contact lenses deprived the eyes of oxygen, the longer you wear the worst the eye feels. Shorten wear times.
Allergy to contact lens plastics , or soaking or cleaning solutions are possible.
Dry eyes from contact lenses soaking up your natural tears is inevitable. Hence lubricating eye drops are essential aids to help you tolerate contact lenses.
Finally surgical options are possible; below 40 years old, lasik
Over 40 years old, clear lens surgery

My eye looks different because of my astigmatism. Anything I can do?

An examination to determine the extent of astigmatism is needed. Next, it can be corrected with spectacles. Surgical correction is possible.

I can't stand to wear contacts

An examination is needed to exclude local issues that could be the cause of your discomfort.

Diabetes and eye health

Type 2 Diabetes leads to serious eye complications, if left untreated. Retinal hemorrhages leading to blindness in the late stages. These can be prevented by yearly examinations READ MORE
Type 2 Diabetes leads to serious eye complications, if left untreated. Retinal hemorrhages leading to blindness in the late stages. These can be prevented by yearly examinations by an eye specialist.

What exactly is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is raised eye pressure, somewhat like raised blood pressure and must be reduced to a normal level. Persistent raised eye pressure damages the eye nerves leading to permanent READ MORE
Glaucoma is raised eye pressure, somewhat like raised blood pressure and must be reduced to a normal level. Persistent raised eye pressure damages the eye nerves leading to permanent blurring and loss of vision. Causes include genetics, family history, trauma, diabetic eye complications etc. Prevention is by regular check-ups to measure the eye pressure, visual fields and OCT tests on a yearly basis.

Why are my eyes so sensitive to light?

You could be photosensitive; so wear eye protection before going out. Eye surface disease can cause discomfort and need treatment. Cataracts also can cause light sensitivity and READ MORE
You could be photosensitive; so wear eye protection before going out. Eye surface disease can cause discomfort and need treatment. Cataracts also can cause light sensitivity and treatment may be required. See your eye specialist to detect the reason.

Constant eye floaters--what's wrong?

Eye examinations help to detect preventable diseases. Floaters are due to degenerate vitreous particulates. Under certain lighting houses them. It's normal in older people. Examination READ MORE
Eye examinations help to detect preventable diseases. Floaters are due to degenerate vitreous particulates. Under certain lighting houses them. It's normal in older people. Examination to exclude retinal diseases is important. Hence, go for an examination.

Why does my eyesight get worse every year?

Your eyesight changes over time and review by an optician, optometrist or ophthalmologist may be helpful.