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Zachary M. Kilpatrick


Dr. Zachary Kilpatrick is a radiologist practicing in West Columbia, South Carolina. Dr. Kilpatrick specializes in diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases using medical imaging techniques such as X-Rays, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography exams. These techniques offer accurate visibility to the inside of the patients body and help to detect otherwise hidden illnesses so that they can be treated quickly and efficiently.
Zachary M. Kilpatrick
  • West Columbia, South Carolina
  • Mercer University
  • Accepting new patients

What should I do before radiotherapy?

Not to be trite, but whatever your doctor tells you. Also, don't forget prayer.
All the best.

Opinion on ultrasound?

A mystery I'm sorry to say. As you likely know, Turner syndrome is more typically associated with amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea. If you're not satisfied with the answers you're READ MORE
A mystery I'm sorry to say. As you likely know, Turner syndrome is more typically associated with amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea. If you're not satisfied with the answers you're getting, a 2nd opinion may be warranted.
All the best.

Ultrasound opinion?

Thank you for your question, Ultrasound images look overall normal from the limited view. The major sonographic finding with interstitial cystitis is a thickened bladder wall. READ MORE
Thank you for your question,

Ultrasound images look overall normal from the limited view. The major sonographic finding with interstitial cystitis is a thickened bladder wall. This can be a very frustrating condition as it can literally take weeks to months of antibiotics to resolve. If you haven’t seen a urologist, perhaps now it’s time.
Thank you and all the best.

Does radiation make arthritis worse?

It can, but depending on type, could make better.

What are the side effects of radiation for colon cancer?

Mostly fatigue, but you may have diarrhea or possibly G.I. bleeding.

Is it normal to feel tired after a CT scan?

NO, not normal.....the radiation dose of modern CT scanner is very low.....perhaps something else going on...
All the best.

How long for immune system to recover after radiation?

That is very dependent on your overall baseline health, the disease that is being treated in the regimen… Do not mean to be a invasive, but it can take a while… Weeks.

What helps with skin pain after radiotherapy?

How to treat skin after radiation therapy? *During radiation therapy: Be gentle and protect your skin* 1. Wash the *treated skin* gently every day with warm water. ... 2. READ MORE
How to treat skin after radiation therapy?
*During radiation therapy: Be gentle and protect your skin*

1. Wash the *treated skin* gently every day with warm water. ...
2. Use a gentle, low-pH cleanser if you need to cleanse. ...
3. Ignore the lines drawn on your *skin*. ...
4. Avoid shaving the *treated skin*. ...
5. Apply moisturizer every day as directed.

Does radiotherapy make you urinate more?

Conceivably, if you were to get radiation cystitis, but otherwise, I don't think so...

How much radiation do you get from an x-ray?

The simplest question is minimal. You’d get more radiation from a flight from NY to ATL.

Why do you have to fast for a PET scan?

Basically, you want to lower your blood sugar level so that the pet CT agent will not compete with glucose…

How long are you radioactive after a PET scan?

Technically, about 9 hours....5 half-lives of the F-18 (I presume that's your agent). The half-life of F18 is 110 minutes. A simpler answer would be 12 hours.
All the best.

How long after radiation do you start to feel better?

It's variable for each person, the regimen, the rad dose, the condition treated. Take it one day or even one minute at a time.

All the best and prayers....

What should I avoid after a PET scan?

The big limitations are what to avoid BEFORE. Afterwards, consult with your radiologist, but you should avoid children and close contact with your wife for a bit until the radionuclide READ MORE
The big limitations are what to avoid BEFORE. Afterwards, consult with your radiologist, but you should avoid children and close contact with your wife for a bit until the radionuclide degrades.

Which is better MRI or CT scan for brain?

Kind of depends on what you’re looking for, but overall, MRI will typically give you much more information.
Thank you, and all the best.

Can a CT scan cause brain cancer?

The short answer is no

Is it normal to have pain after radiotherapy?

Depending the target, yes, it can be...