Detox Your Lungs to Restore & Repair: 3 Major Benefits & Reasons for Detoxing your Lungs

Julie Doherty Naturopathic Physician Mount Gambier, South Australia

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Grindelia – Sooths the respiratory system.
Elecampane - can soothe bronchial tube linings and act as an expectorant for lung cleansing.
Mullein leaf– helps alleviate symptoms of asthma and other respiratory conditions.
Pleurisy root – An excellent expectorant that helps to expel phlegm from bronchial and nasal passages. It also stimulates the lymphatic system.

Additional Support for Detoxing and Cleansing your Lungs!

Exercise is key in strengthening and cleansing the muscles of the lungs. Exercise that requires deep breaths with workouts such as running, swimming, walking along the beach, and up and down hills. Yoga is a great support to improve the overall health and capacity of your lungs. Allowing for easier access to any herbs or other nutrients you are incorporating for the improvement of your lung health.

Breathwork: Slow, Deep Breathing is extremely beneficial when it comes to improving the capacity of your lungs. Assists even further with the other detoxification methods that you are using. It moves air that has been trapped within your lungs, replacing this with fresh oxygenated air. So, refreshing you will feel the difference immediately. It is important to sit somewhere where you have fresh, air that is well-oxygenated. Sitting outside in your garden, in the park at the beach. Then take in a deep, slow breath moving it toward your stomach, hold it for as long as you can, and exhale very slowly from your stomach, through your lungs to your nose and mouth. Do this for 5 – 10 minutes, shortly after even as few as 5 breaths you will feel the difference.

Foods to Avoid when Lung Cleansing – It is also advisable to avoid certain mucous-producing foods throughout the lung cleanse. These generally include those containing gluten, dairy products, animal protein especially red meat, and avoid any packaged, processed, or frozen foods or meals.

Foods to Include during your Lung cleanse – It is important to include fresh foods, vegetables, and fruits each day. An alkalizing diet and foods that have an alkalizing effect on your body will assist this process enormously. Citrus fruits such as lemons, grapefruit, and oranges: Berries – especially blueberries, and kiwi fruit. Herbal teas such as Licorice tea, lemon and ginger tea, and peppermint tea.

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