Can Liposuction Get Rid Of Belly Fat?

Dr. Nicholas Lahar Plastic Surgeon Beverly Hills, CA

Dr. Nicholas Lahar is a cosmetic medicine and surgery specialist practicing in Beverly Hills, CA. Dr. Lahar specializes in the enhancement of appearance. Improving aesthetics, symmetry, and proportion are key goals in cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic medicine has nothing to do with these specific areas not functioning properly;... more

Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures around the world. One of the most common areas where people want liposuction is the abdomen. This part of the body tends to accumulate fat first if we overeat, and it also occurs naturally as we age and during and after pregnancy.

Many people struggle to lose fat in the belly even with diet and exercise, and liposuction can help. People who are considering liposuction probably want to know what this procedure can do for belly fat. Below is more information.

Liposuction And Belly Fat

If you have excess belly fat and are near your ideal body weight, your plastic surgeon may consider you a good candidate for liposuction. You should already have tried to diet and exercise to lose weight in your abdomen. If this only provides limited success, liposuction can be the answer.

Tumescent liposuction is the gold standard in plastic surgery. This procedure is done by injecting the abdomen with a combination of saline, epinephrine, and lidocaine, which reduce bleeding, pain, and swelling.

Next, the surgeon inserts a small cannula and sucks out the proper amount of fat. How much is removed depends on your needs and the judgment of your plastic surgeon. Most plastic surgeons won’t remove more than two or three liters of solution and fat.

But there have been studies that suggest that the amount that can be safely removed depends on your health and body weight. So talk to your plastic surgeon about how much belly fat they think can be safely removed in your case.

Liposuction can be effective in removing large amounts of belly fat. But remember that liposuction is never a substitute for weight loss; you should be close to your ideal body weight before you have plastic surgery. Also, if you don’t exercise and eat a healthy diet, the remaining fat cells in the abdomen will expand, and you’ll gain weight.

Below is more information about liposuction and what it can and cannot do for belly fat.

Liposuction Is Safe

Every surgery has risks, and liposuction for the belly is no exception. But liposuction techniques have evolved considerably over the years. If your abdominal liposuction is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, you should have excellent results.

After your liposuction, you will have some swelling, bruising, and soreness, but these issues will fade in a few weeks. If your surgeon gives you a compression garment, you should wear it at all times for at least a month, except when you bathe.

The compression garment ensures that your abdominal skin retracts to your body’s new contours.

Liposuction Won’t Address Lax Belly Skin

Liposuction removes fat from the abdomen. But if you have loose skin after weight loss or pregnancy, liposuction won’t help. You probably need a full tummy tuck or a mini-tummy tuck to address your loose skin.

Next, your surgeon will make a large incision from hip to hip, remove extra skin, and tighten the abdominal muscles. Then, they will pull down the remaining skin and suture it. Your surgeon also can perform liposuction at the same time to remove extra fat.

Liposuction Isn’t Only For Women

Women are the most frequent liposuction patients, but men also collect fat in the abdomen. Therefore, this procedure can be as effective for men who cannot reach their aesthetic goals with only diet and exercise.

Abdominal Fat Removed Won’t Return, But…

Liposuction is a permanent procedure; once those fat cells are removed from the belly, they’re gone forever. But your surgeon will leave some fat in the abdomen, and it can grow and lead to weight gain if you overeat.

The best way to maintain your results is to exercise and eat a healthy diet.

Liposuction Doesn’t Fix Visceral Fat

Liposuction only eliminates subcutaneous fat under your abdominal skin; it doesn’t help with fat under the abdominal muscles and around the organs. If your belly is sticking out because of this visceral fat, you will need to diet and exercise before having liposuction.

Liposuction Is Effective On Older People

If you are in good health and have excess belly fat, you may be a good candidate for liposuction. However, your surgeon will need to examine how lax your skin is in the abdomen to decide if you’re a good candidate.

Patients who have poor skin elasticity in the belly may have trouble with loose skin after liposuction. In this situation, you may want to consider a tummy tuck as well as liposuction.


Liposuction can be highly effective on the abdomen for patients in good health, exercise, and eat a healthy diet. If you’re still overweight, you should lose weight with exercise and diet before having liposuction.

Learn more about Nicholas Lahar Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills by visiting them online.


Liposuction: What You Should Know. (n.d.). Accessed at

10 Common Misconceptions About Liposuction. (2018). Accessed at

Dr. Lahar Plastic Surgery - Liposuction Procedure. (n.d.). Accessed at