How Binaural Beats Used In Everyday Life Can Promote Positive Mental Health

Dr. Robert William Termanini Neurologist | Electrodiagnostic Medicine CHICAGO, IL

Dr. Robert William Termanini is a millennial medical professional in Chicago, IL. Dr. Termanini studies, evaluates, diagnoses, and conducts specialized research in psychiatric neurophysiological conditioning, sleep medicine technologies, biofeedback therapy, suicide prevention, behavioral disorders, and wellness medicine.... more

Binaural beats influence one's brain to hear a third auditory tone by simultaneously playing two different frequencies in each ear. For example, if you listen to a tone frequency of 400 hertz (Hz) in your left ear and another tone Frequency of 410 (Hz) in your right ear, then your brain will perceive a third tone with a frequency of 10 Hz. This tone is created when two different tones of slightly different frequencies are played through each ear. The brain responds to these frequencies by combining them into a third frequency. This pulsing beat falls between the two tones and can be perceived as a new tone frequency. Studies have shown that listening to binaural beats can alter one's state of consciousness and produce various health benefits. 

How Exactly Do Binaural Beats Work?

Binaural beats are effective if both tones that you listen to have frequencies that are less than 1,500 Hz. At the same time, the difference between the two tones should not be more than 40 Hz.

Below are the general types of brain waves formed by binaural beats based on their frequency:

  • 8-12 Hz: Alpha waves are created when you close your eyes and relax your mind, similar to the state of meditation.
  • 13-16 Hz: Beta waves are generated when you are wide awake and mentally alert.
  • 0.5-4 Hz: Delta waves are produced when you are sleeping deeply and soundly.
  • 4-7 Hz: Theta waves are formed when you are lightly sleeping or in the state between wakefulness and sleepiness.

How do binaural beats work?

The working principle behind binaural beats is based on the fact that external stimuli can influence brainwave frequency. When you listen to binaural beats, one's brainwaves will Entrain or adjust to match the frequency of the binaural beat. For example, if a binaural beat with a frequency of alpha waves (8-12 Hz) is played through one's headphones, one's brainwaves will also start to oscillate at the same alpha frequency. The entrainment effect of binaural beats is based on the resonance principle, which states that when two objects oscillate at the same frequency, they will tend to synchronize their oscillations. For example, if you listen to sounds, one's brain waves tend to align and synchronize with the frequency of the tones. That is why binaural beats may change one's brain wave activity.

The Benefits of Binaural Beats on Mental Health 

Binaural beats have long been known to help with mental health, and research has shown that they can benefit those who suffer from conditions such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. The use of binaural beats helps to regulate the brain's Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta waves, which in turn help to improve focus and concentration, promote better sleep, and stabilize mood. Therefore, listening to binaural beats regularly can improve mental well-being, with other potential benefits including improved focus and concentration and reduced stress and anxiety levels. 

In one study, participants who listened to binaural beats while working on a task showed improved task performance and increased accuracy compared to those who did not listen to binaural beats. 

How Can You Use Binaural Beats?

You can begin using binaural beats by listening to online tracks or audio files. You must use headphones or earbuds so that you can hear a different tone with one's left ear and right ear. Take note that the sound quality and length of audio tracks may vary, so you should find the one that works best for you.

Listening to binaural beats in one's everyday life will make it possible for you to enhance one's mental well-being. Binaural beats can be very effective in promoting mental health. The potential benefits of binaural beats include reducing the symptoms of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, improving sleep, enhancing creativity, and stabilizing mood. You can listen to online tracks or audio files if you want to use binaural beats to improve one's mental well-being. Make sure to use headphones or earbuds so that you can hear two different tones, one in each ear. Find an audio track with good sound quality and a suitable length. Listening to binaural beats regularly can help you.

Stress and Anxiety Reduction 

Binaural beats can also help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. This is because binaural beats can promote the production of beta waves, which are associated with a state of alertness and focus. 

In one study, participants who listened to binaural beats before taking a math test showed reduced stress and anxiety levels compared to those who did not listen to binaural beats. 

Improved Sleep Quality 

Binaural beats can also help to improve sleep quality. This is because binaural beats can promote the production of delta waves, which are associated with deep sleep. 

In one study, participants who listened to binaural beats before going to bed showed improved sleep quality compared to those who did not listen to binaural beats. 

Increased creativity 

Binaural beats can also help to increase creativity. This is because binaural beats can promote the production of alpha and theta waves, which are associated with a state of relaxation and creativity. 

In one study, participants who listened to binaural beats while working on a creative task showed increased creativity compared to those who did not listen to binaural beats. 

Improved mood 

Binaural beats can also help to improve mood. This is because binaural beats can promote the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in regulating mood. 

In one study, participants who listened to binaural beats showed improved moods compared to those who did not listen to binaural beats. 

How to Use Binaural Beats for Mental Health

There are several ways you can use binaural beats to promote mental health. First, they can help you sleep more soundly. Second, they may reduce the symptoms of mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. Third, they could sharpen one's memory. Fourth, they can enhance one's creativity. Finally, they may stabilize one's mood.

Below are some of the most effective ways to use binaural beats:

1. Listen to binaural beats for 30 minutes every day.

One of the best ways to use binaural beats is to listen to them for 30 minutes daily. This will help ensure you get the full benefit of the binaural beats.

2. Use binaural beats when you need them.

Another effective way to use binaural beats is to use them when needed. For example, if you are feeling stressed or anxious, you can listen to binaural beats for a few minutes to help you relax.

3. Combine binaural beats with other relaxation techniques.

Another effective way to use binaural beats is to combine them with other relaxation techniques. For example, you can listen to binaural beats while doing yoga or meditation. This will help to enhance the relaxation effects of the binaural beats.

4. Use binaural beats with brainwave entrainment.

Another effective way to use binaural beats is to use them with brainwave entrainment. Brainwave entrainment is a technique that uses sound to induce changes in brainwave activity. When you combine binaural beats with brainwave entrainment (a combination of different tones, including binaural beats, isochronic tones, or monaural tones), you can achieve even more pronounced effects on mental health.

5. Use binaural beats with other therapies.

Another effective way to use binaural beats is to use them with other therapies. For example, you can listen to binaural beats while undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy. This will help to enhance the effects of the therapy.

Binaural beats used in conjunction with brainwave entrainment can help to promote mental health in a number of ways. They can help to improve sleep quality, reduce stress and anxiety levels, increase creativity, and improve mood. Additionally, binaural beats can be used in conjunction with other therapies to enhance their effects. If you are interested in using binaural beats to improve your mental health, be sure to consult with a mental health professional first to ensure they are right for you.