Boost Your Mental Health by Limiting Social Media Use

Dr. Sohail Nibras Psychiatrist Sugar Land, TX

Dr. Sohail Nibras is a psychiatrist practicing in Sugar Land, TX. Dr. Nibras is a medical doctor specializing in the care of mental health patients. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Nibras diagnoses and treats mental illnesses. Dr. Nibras may treat patients through a variety of methods including medications, psychotherapy or talk... more

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Social media is a mixed blessing in our society today. On the one hand, it helps us stay connected with friends, share videos, and stay current on the latest news. However, it's also a hotbed for comparison, cyberbullying, and FOMO. Let's explore how social media's impact can affect our mental health.

Comparison game

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media and feeling envious of the seemingly perfect lives of others? It's all too easy to fall into the comparison game. We see our friends achieving amazing things, traveling the world, and enjoying fulfilling relationships. At the same time, we may feel stuck in our own lives. This can lead to a decrease in self-esteem and questioning our worth.


People may behave differently when communicating through a screen and engage in cyberbullying. Some individuals may hide behind fake identities and take advantage of any opportunity to attack others. These hurtful comments and constant mockery can harm our mental well-being. Unfortunately, we have to deal with such behavior from keyboard warriors instead of focusing on our goals.

Fear of missing out. 

We can start feeling FOMO or the fear of missing out as we browse numerous photos of parties, vacations, and food. We may need to attend every event and edit our photos to perfection. However, we must acknowledge that life is not always flawless, and the reality behind those pictures is not always picture-perfect. Constantly feeling like we're missing out can cause anxiety and make us feel inadequate.

Benefits of Limiting Social Media Use

Are you tired of being distracted by social media when you have important work to do? Setting boundaries and reducing distractions can help you break this unproductive cycle, improving focus and productivity. By limiting your social media use, you'll be able to get more done in less time, giving you extra minutes or even hours to use as you please.

Another benefit of limiting your social media use is improved sleep patterns. We've all had those nights where we can't seem to put down our phones, leading to exhaustion and regret in the morning. However, by engaging in relaxing activities like reading or taking a bubble bath before bed instead of looking at screens, you'll be able to get a better night's sleep and say goodbye to those dark circles under your eyes.

Lastly, social media can harm our self-esteem by making us feel unworthy compared to others. However, limiting your exposure to perfection and focusing on your own achievements and abilities will help you realize that your value isn't based on the number of likes your posts receive. Elevate your self-esteem and embrace your exceptional and fantastic self by limiting social media use.

Ways to Limit Social Media Use

If you want to manage your social media usage, start by setting time limits. It's easy to get lost in endless posts, videos, and reels, but limiting your time will benefit your brain. Determine how much time you want to spend on social media daily and stick to it. Begin with an hour and gradually reduce it. You'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in that timeframe.

Another important step is to create social media-free zones. It can be frustrating to see loved ones staring at their screens during a meal instead of engaging in conversation. To ensure you can enjoy these precious moments, designate specific times or areas as social media-free zones. This way, you can connect with the people around you and make meaningful memories together.

Finally, don't get too caught up in social media or other activities. While social media can be entertaining, it's often a never-ending source of videos, memes, and unreliable tips. Instead, explore the world around you. Take up a hobby, participate in a sport, or read a book. By doing something different than scrolling through your feeds, you may discover new and exciting experiences you didn't know existed.

If you want to overcome social media addiction, try these strategies. You'll get your time back and enjoy better focus, improved sleep, and higher self-esteem. So don't hesitate to start limiting your social media use. You'll be doing your mental health a favor and might even discover a life beyond our beloved tiny screens.