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Dr. Alireza Abdollahi-fard, MD

Pain Management Specialist | Pain Medicine

Dr. Alireza Abdollahi-Fard enjoys an active lifestyle reaching back to his participation in high school basketball and volleyball teams, his membership to the UCLA Ski and Snowboard Team during college. As a result, he has had his share of injuries and knows firsthand the frustration of chronic pain. He has always strived to show special empathy towards patients who are often allowed very little respite from their debilitating symptoms.

​Dr. Abdollahi-Fard sees pain as the only chronic medical condition where the patient is acutely aware of, and affected by, the disease at all times. Subsequently, he feels this field of medicine must be strengthened, and advanced care must be available to the many individuals in desperate need of healing. He has extensive training in all aspects of pain management, emphasizing a multimodal approach to pain therapy that includes medication management and minimally invasive interventional therapeutics. He has expertise in multidisciplinary care, cancer pain management, and particular experience in spinal cord stimulation and spinal medication delivery systems.

Dr. Abdollahi-Fard has a long-standing interest in the field of integrative health and pain medicine. During his training in anesthesiology at the University of California, San Francisco, his approval for an advanced research track allowed him to investigate with leaders in pain medicine to focus on pain pathways and various treatment modalities. He applies his vast knowledge of pain mechanisms, pain theory, and pain potentiation to treat his patients in a unique manner that caters to their specific condition.
20 years Experience
Dr. Alireza Abdollahi-fard, MD
  • UCLA
  • Accepting new patients

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