Healthy Living

The Mystery Behind Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease Defies Science

Celiac Disease Defies Science

With the exception of celiac disease, researchers have struggled to find the root cause of most autoimmune diseases. It is theorized that bacteria, infections, toxins, and viruses may be the main source of autoimmune disorders. The known “trigger” for celiac disease is gluten. When patients consume items that contain gluten, the body reacts to that and “fights” itself, or in this case, the small intestine. This can cause severe damage to the small intestine and other areas of the body if not stopped. Knowing that gluten is the trigger for patients with celiac, removing it from the diet can bring symptoms to a halt. This has helped researchers determine that an “auto antigen”  is part of the trigger. An auto antigen is the part of cells that provoke the immune system response that can cause the body to attack and destroy itself.