Healthy Living

Untreated Sleep Apnea as a Determining Factor for Aggressive Melanoma

Key takeaways from the study

The ATS’s research basically reminds the public once again that sleep is crucial to proper immune function and overall health. This is especially true for those fighting against melanoma. While patients with melanoma also have a few things to look after (avoiding sunburn, using sunscreen etc.), maintaining a well-balanced sleep is just as necessary.

Patients with sleep apnea should try their hardest to gain 7-9 hours of restful sleep per night. As suggested by sleep specialists, keeping the room dark and having a sleeping routine could greatly improve one’s ability to sleep. Putting a pillow underneath the leg could also aid in properly aligning the neck and spine. Most importantly, freeing one’s mind of external concerns when going to sleep is advised.

In fact, there are several other ways to deal with sleep apnea. Looking after one's quality of sleep will help in alleviating sleep apnea and reduce the risk for melanoma. Physicians too should concern themselves more about their melanoma patients’ sleeping conditions. This is not a factor to be neglected.