Healthy Living

Travel Buff Refuses to Let Rheumatoid Arthritis Stop His Adventures

Larry and his wife search for emotional strength

Larry and his wife search for emotional strength

The retired couple began exploring other ways they could help keep Larry’s spirits high. Larry’s wife has turned to the bible and spirituality. She holds dear to her heart a bible verse from James 5:16 that quotes, “What God dose not deliver you from, he will take you through”.

Larry and Lanora also found priceless support from the rheumatoid arthritis community.
The first person they called was one of Lanora’s friends, who had been diagnosed with the disease over 30 years ago. She helped Larry with her own stories of coping, and her friendship made Larry feel less alone. Larry eventually met many others who had rheumatoid arthritis. He found that their stories helped him find his own strength to manage his illness. The community offered each other mutual support and understanding.

The couple was also extremely grateful to their doctor. Dr. Gorantla had finally figured out why Larry was experiencing his pain. She was able to give them hope by providing treatment options and finding the best way to manage his disease. It was only because of her hard work that Larry was finally able to find something that worked for him.

Dr. Gorantla was always very compassionate to Larry and Lanora. For Dr. Gorantla, she never treated Larry like he was just another patient with a disease or diagnosis. Larry is someone with a life to live, passions to pursue, and friends and family to support. Dr. Gorantla never forgot this and treated Larry and Lanora like family, always supporting them through every step of his diagnosis and treatment. She would even personally call them and talk to them at home, and on weekends. Her extreme dedication helped give Larry a fighting chance to heal.