Gastroenterologist Questions Anal Fissure

Anal Fissure?

My son had surgery 2 years ago, but shortly after that had the same problem. He visited another specialist 1 month ago, this doctor prescribe a special cream 40 Gm Nifedipine & 0.3% Lido 1.5% oint, nothing seems to work, is there any other solution? he is in pain with bowel movement and sometimes during the night.

Please let us know. Thank you.

Male | 48 years old
Complaint duration: Years
Conditions: Anal Fissure

3 Answers

If there is a chronic anal fissure that does not respond to medicines then sometimes surgery is needed. A colorectal surgeon can help.
Nitroglycerin ointment called Rectiv is very effective. Keep his BM soft and regular but not explosive
Likely needs surgical treatment since it seems that medical treatment has not worked.