Dental Hygienist Questions Denturist

Are partials comfortable?

I will get partial dentures. Are partials comfortable?

3 Answers

There are many types of partial dentures. Economy partial dentures usually spend more time in a drawer than in your mouth. A nicely fabricated partial denture can definitely be comfortable.
There are different types of partials: cast metal framework are very sturdy, the clamp onto the teeth and don’t rock or lift when you eat. Flex partials (Valplast) don’t have the rigidity but are still quite stable and offer a bit more aesthetics if you require clasps closer to the front. Acrylic partials (flipper) are intended to be taken out when you eat, many people use them like a normal partial but they don’t have the strength or comfort as the other, more permanent, options- this type moves the most and offers the least comfort. Regardless of type, if you have more natural teeth to support a partial, it will be more comfortable. Also expect a couple appointments after you receive the partial to adjust sore spots. Even a well made partial can require some fine tuning once it is in function. When it first goes in it can also be quite cumbersome depending on the type, that sensation of ‘having a mouthful’ goes away after a week or so.
When made correctly yes they can be but implants are the standard of care.