Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Are these symptoms the impact of the accident or another cause?

For a month, I have been suffering from severe migraines and toothache on the same side of the head, and after two weeks I began to feel very tired and fatigued in the body and inability to make any effort and dizziness. Then I began to feel a strange unpleasant taste in the mouth as if it was coming out of the stomach to the mouth preventing me from eating so that it increases When I eat and I feel trembling in the hands, what is the reason? Knowing that I had an accident 5 months ago, I was hit by a vehicle, but the biggest impact of the accident was on the legs and I did not feel any traces of it on the head at the time, or any pain in the head or symptoms in the head during the first two months after the accident. After that, I began to feel a severe migraine, fatigue in the body and an imbalance, and then the previous symptoms followed, so do you think this accident has an effect? What is the treatment?

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 15/3/2000
Medications: No
Conditions: No

2 Answers

These could be from the accident causing a brain injury. Please see a doctor to discuss it in more detail.
The toothache may be part of the cause of the migraines, but it may be coincidental. It is possible for a tooth to die long after trauma. That taste in the mouth may be coming from an infection from the toothache. You should see your dentist and have it evaluated and treated to rule out that portion of your symptoms. You can at least rule out tooth issues if your symptoms persist after treatment.