Dentist Questions Dentist

Bleeding Tongue?

I had fresh pineapple and my mouth started to tingle. Then my tongue started to bleed. What causes this?

Male | 60 years old
Complaint duration: one time only
Medications: Oxycodone
Conditions: P.A.D

2 Answers

Tingle on tongue could be some reaction. Bleeding tongue is unusual. If it stopped and didn’t reoccur, then wouldn’t worry about it.
Bleeding from tongue after drinking pineapple juice: While you did not specify whether you had profuse bleeding or slight oozing, it is definitely not normal. You must see your dentist and consult with your physician. Sometimes a lesion on the tongue may not have been diagnosed, or occurred between periodic visits. Nevertheless, the tongue should be carefully given a physical examination. This could be a serious problem. It is also possible that the source of bleeding is a periodontally infected tooth where the bleeding is occurring along the gum line and is only showing up on your tongue. Your dentist needs to perform a thorough examination of all your teeth. An immediate appointment is necessary. Do not delay.