Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Can CBD Oil cause panic attacks?

I am a 34 year old male. I want to know if CBD Oil can cause panic attacks?

3 Answers

As you probably know, CBD has been touted as a treatment for anxiety, but the data are sparse and it is not FDA approved for this indication. Other established treatments for anxiety, like the serotonergic antidepressants, occasionally cause anxiety as a side effect. Since the CBD literature is in its infancy, I would use my own responses as a guideline, i.e., if CBD causes a panic attack for you, then it would be wise to avoid it, even if all your friends say it works great for them.
I don't have many pts on CDB oil, but I have not seen any pt. who had panic attacks due to CBD oil.
Keep in mind that no one really knows all the components of substances that are not examined by the FDA. So, it is possible that CBD oil might have THC from sativa plants, and could subsequently bring out panic. Also, there may be other adulterants or substances as well.

Lance Steinberg MD, Inc.