Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Can I get a BBL?

I want a BBL, I'm an emancipated minor and I'm 16. Is my age going to be a problem and if so why? Are there more dangers if I'm under 18?

Female | 16 years old

6 Answers

Although you may feel like your proportions or shape can use some enhancement it is best to wait until you are a bit older. Even though you are emancipated, and can make your own decisions, you body is still changing including fat distribution, etc. Any Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will advise you to be a little more patient and wait a few more years. Beware of a surgeon that is willing to do body contouring surgery on a 16 year old. It is not in your best interest and would likely require more surgery in the future.
No. Most surgeons will not do this procedure under the age of 21.
Yes!! The real question is: is it the right operation for you. The BBl procedure takes advantage of the fact that the butt area often "deflates" with the aging process, and the midriff area simultaneously slowly accumulates more subcutaneous fat. So fat is sucked from one area (the midriff) and transferred to another ( the buttocks). Many 16-year-olds don't have adequate fat for a meaningful transfer and may be better candidates for butt implants. Consult your local plastic surgeon.
Good Question!!!
In fact, if you are 16, you probably are in better health and fit then some older individuals. The questions here are not about health and safety regarding age.
In the USA, our society had arbitrary picked the number 18 as an age for legality. I have seen some 16 years old act more mature than some 30 years old. Your age has nothing to do with danger; it's the legal ramifications that may imposed on the surgeon to perform an elective surgery.
Also, the dangers are basically the same. If you are healthy and have no medical problems, this operation could go on.
Yes. You can with appropriate paperwork