Dental Hygienist Questions Implant Dentistry

Can I get dental implant 2 months after extraction?

I had a tooth extraction 2 months ago. Can I get dental implant 2 months after extraction?

2 Answers

You need to wait until the socket completely heals and then get a CT Scan to determine the quality of the bone, the density of the bone and how much bone filled in to the extraction site. If you don't need a bone graft and the density of the bone is good it may be possible to get an implant but usually after around six months. Depending on the size of the roots of the tooth of the extracted tooth and the size of the implant, you can sometimes get an implant placed immediately after the extraction is completed. However, after the implant is placed you typically have to wait six months for the implant to integrate with the bone before a crown can be placed.
We recommend letting your mouth heal for Four-Six weeks before moving forward with any replacement. Danelle